

they threw my body to the dogs
every last one of them bites it
fine piece for each dog
my body is a pure protein

beasts are hungry, they always eat
they bite me badly on each side
every scum bites something off
more or less, but always capably

like bracken, all brown, and like faded breast
life leaks from me sometimes

everything I love they’re glad to forbid
beasts feast on other people’s misery
entire pack carries a motto
dogs are alive only when they bite

some stuff themselves while others starve
somebody is building for others to tear it down
beasts are stupid, they have no soul
there are many and they choke like weed


they threw my body to the dogs
every last one of them bites it
fine piece for each dog
my body is a pure protein

beasts are hungry, they always eat
they bite me badly on each side
every scum bites something off
more or less, but always capably

like bracken, all brown, and like faded breast
life leaks from me sometimes

everything I love they’re glad to forbid
beasts feast on other people’s misery
entire pack carries a motto
dogs are alive only when they bite

some stuff themselves while others starve
somebody is building for others to tear it down
beasts are stupid, they have no soul
there are many and they choke like weed


our relationship started
while I still had mohawk
they enjoyed my pain
’cause that’s what they were paid for

when the thieves rushed in
broke into my house
I called them for the first time
but it was like I stepped in it
they have no scruples, they’re not ashamed
they didn’t even come to see

I thought they’ve had many purposes
but they only write tickets

bill collectors
bill collectors

I’d rather shave myself dry
and it’s going to be a cold day in hell
before I pay them
and understand their life

I know I’m a weed and I stick out a bit
breaking the rules gives me an orgasm
they work for bones like dogs
they are not angels
and I’d rather be a cleaner on the runway
than being on their pay-list


all the rot from the west gathers here
old German cars and Hollywood production
hamburger from Photoshop, lots of dope, fast food
while the west gives us advice, a pit is being dug beneath us

what’s all the noise and fuss about
all their promotion is useless
they live a movie, a color film
it is empty – like America
and what’s all this posing for
it’s not whiskey, it is schnapps

they would all like a fancy car, to drive Lamborghini
our market-oriented way gave us crime unions
all tricks, only to survive
they’ll break their back and leave too soon

lies sound empty
they echo like steps
I need a silence
for my soul to rest from them


she dyes her thoughts unnatural
she’s nice to everyone ‘cause she has to be
she studies stupidity, it means a lot to her
even fake approval makes her status stronger

mental Barbie
her thoughts are pure plastic

she hides lies well behind nice words
the whole truth is what she doesn’t say
she flatters someone her entire life
her goal is far away, so she trots slowly

if it is good, what does she hide from?
if it is funny, why doesn’t she laugh?

I saw some of her stories
she speaks quietly but yells inside
only raging eyes betray her
she’s been suffering for years, won’t hold on much longer


they shout promises
they speak slogans
they love their nation
hell, they couldn’t care less

I’ve had enough of promises
I am sick of that state
and slogans and missions
stupidities and empty dreams

daddy wears a tie
and he wears a pound of gold
around his fat neck

politics repeats itself
father renews his son now
when one of them alights
the other one still scares the people

wide smile, big Mercedes
father loves his sonny-boy
our goal is so big
but we always hit a goal-post

“if you give me your vote
I’ll make this land happy
and people healthy,
sea salt will be drier
everyone will be able to eat onion heart
and let our corn bear fruits!”

my old grandfather used to tell me
old bone and gray hair:
you, the son of my son,
promises bring pleasure
and honesty is a virtue
which is either gone or sleeping,
these are all old stories
only the time is new


mountains all around me
salsa is playing in Brazil
curves all around the hills
strange ways are leading
no lines in the middle
it is just one lane
all throughout hills and valleys
smells like fresh air

now I’m going insane
it took me far away
although it’s sunny
everything was seen clearly
clean chord, clean sound
explosion makes hush
ways are dragging me away
cloaks are changing me

these days are so fine
like monsters in high spirits
black sun keeps me warm
coldness makes me move
my nerves are stretching
my thoughts are expanding me
black cloud is laughing
good lightning is coddling me

like a bird I crave for sky
I’m pushing my stone well
night is cold, full of stars
real sign of a warm morning
instinct leads me on
chaos grows in freedom

this picture is beautiful
built from raster
it is small enough
to become a part
desert is beautiful
full of cactus flowers
sorrow has left me
it flew to the south

night music is playing
out of the hollow loudspeaker
vocal cord of a mute creature
is rearing
pile of troubles
makes a strong man
from a living glue
with cubes of mosaic

billions of dots
lots of frames
the band is full
of gaps between pictures
happiness is universal
picture like an x-ray
in the end of the ring
before the new ascent

like Phoenix I’m pecking a stone
I’ll get up as soon as I fall
lie burns me like sun
traitor sells his pride
one second, one era
I’m a bald man at the hairdresser’s

don’t worry about me, mother
I manage within all of this
I use nothing heavy
life is my drug
I am drunk of life
I drink it like sponge drinks water
I swim well even on dry land
I make fashion from rags


I changed bodies
but there’s no soul
I keep searching
but I still haven’t found

I tried many of them
gave myself away
I searched everywhere
but I still haven’t found

mistakes are expensive
I am making hard ones
I looked everywhere
but I still haven’t found

what I want should come on its own
without my asking

who am I
and how can I see my way
what I am looking for
I’ll know once I find it

I go today again
just like yesterday
I try so hard
but I still haven’t found

I might once
just only once
have had something
what I’m searching for now

does it exist
will it come
does it want to
and will it manage?

NE, NE, NE! – NO, NO, NO!

white collar never has a blister
fortune lies in shady deals
good lie will save your ass
good wife cooks for five

does it pay up to be good
or only fools are the good ones

fare-dodger rides for free
fool is the one that buys a ticket
good worker works for five
good lover is always ready

no, no, no, I’m not the one
no, no, no, I’m not into that


grass was sweet and nice
created happiness and smiles throughout a day
old enough but still green
wonderful for lips yet so small
and now I know that I know well
when I’m with it I’m never alone
I love to take, I love to give
nothing matters when I’m having fun

now I’m picking flowers and bringing them to you
if I was alone I wouldn’t have picked it
some things are good when shared
not like candies that should be eaten whole

on every place, seaside or roadside
it passed every single test
strange people were chasing me because of it
but it was just a temporary trouble
it was nothing, it’s just the way it is
some people are laughing while others are wandering
I love grass more than any other
I love its smile, I leave sorrow for others


how many times I walked into the night
how many times have I circled so far
every night I searched for something
every turmoil was my friend

I still walk around in the same circle
it follows me throughout the years, I still roam

so many people, so many stories
every night is a different book
pages full of signs
drunk nights full of muttering

I understand them all, so it seems
oh yeah, I understand them all, it seems

places are leaving and people go by
to check on everything that has something to offer
people circulate for fun
and fools for supply
I still walk around in the same circle
it follows me throughout the years, I still roam

I know shadows of my town
it changes itself, changes me as well
we last together like one soul
I drink life and it tests me

and whatever happens, some changes
whoever is messing with it – messes with me


out of the game
never a slave
out of the game

they can’t have me
they can’t buy me
I will not give in
’cause I’m not like everyone

your games
aren’t for me
you’re not
gonna make it

you won’t hook me
or drag me in
I don’t wear uniforms
I can’t change myself

because for freedom I can
pay any price
you on top, and your servants
you seem like non-humans

my order is a chaos for you
my freedom the holiest
no way for me to give in
no way to be yours


there are reasons to everything
even the smallest counts
it’s no good to give up
and become a part of the mass
mass cuts creativity
personality, inventiveness
if you use your own head
you’re on the right way

one who is adjusted
loses his own self
every man disappears
when he becomes average
there’s no shine in mainstream
no end to grayness
those who like norms
wear others’ uniforms

be your own, always be your own
don’t give up because they’ll classify you
so they can rule you easier
be your own, always be your own


I’m sitting on the floor in the room without windows
it’s dark outside, I’m blazing from the inside
aggression is needed to break the condemnation
confusion is needed to screw up the rules
my blood is burning out on top of the rotten boards
I feel the madness overcoming me
grave-diggers told me I’m gonna feed the worms
that my coffin will rot away before my coevals die

I’m writhing, I’m writhing
but not because of indigestion
I’m puking, I’m puking
because of rotten sense


the past is breathing hard behind my back
tortures me till pain
but there is no return
truth is naked

it wasn’t better before
we were better
we had big eyes
believed in everything

time carries both yours and mine
there’s no hope for the two of us
whatever happened, is past
time is burning bridges

a bit bloody and intoxicated
poisoned by truth
we cannot repeat the story
we feel it
and our thoughts yell it

those were all temporary things
who revives past, is but a fool
we gave our best a long time ago
stayed empty not even knowing

where and what could I come back to
I forget and pay again
now I’m not gloomy at all
and I don’t want to suffer anymore

it was cold, and it was hot
I live for today, not yesterday
there’s no beginning after the end
your suggestions are only torturing me