I want to move fast and strong
to break and crush everything that stops me
…was the first sentence ever written for a Motus song.
First demo was recorded on January 3rd 1988 and the adventure has begun.
With the song Živjela sloboda stvaranja we deny strict style labeling through freedom of everything contributing to the atmosphere of a certain song. Motus’ logo also symbolizes that, a man breaking borders in every direction possible.
Although in the beginning of 1988 there was no HC/punk scene in Zagreb, our concerts had good attendance, which encouraged formation of more bands alike: Euforija, Loše ponašanje…
After 3 demo tapes were recorded, the album Everything is disco but hardcore was released on a cassette, and next year (after the releases on various compilations) an LP Cogito Aude was released by Viennese label Sacro Egoismo.
What came next was a number of concerts abroad, mostly Austria (first gig was on May 29th 1989 with Soul Side in Arena, Vienna). First video was recorded in 1992 for the song Hala.
Next album, Nasred puta, was released in 1995 by our own label, Fast & Strong.
Afterwards Motus plays gigs and enters the studio.
Album Razlike was made in only 2 weeks, in a very short time and most pleasant way, since we were spending entire days together, living a real punk life.
Zagreb promotion was held in newly-open club Močvara and, out of Croatian borders, in Chelsea club, Vienna, with our friends Z.L.F.
Animated video was recorded for song Dobro jutro.
Album Psi was released by Zvuk Močvare in 2004.
Album Mašina was released by PDV records as a CD and LP.
Line-up: Sinke – drums, Marko – bass, Kizombie – guitar, Krumpa – guitar and Hogar – vocals.